5 up-and-coming Puppy Parents: Exciting (and Adorable!) Changes at Carrier Family Doodles

Help us welcome our next generation: up-and-coming puppy parents!

We believe in retiring our breeding dogs at the prime of their lives, typically around five years old, so they can enjoy many happy and healthy years as beloved family pets. While it’s always hard to say goodbye, this transition also brings the joy of welcoming a new generation of exceptional puppies into our home to continue our legacy of quality breeding.

In preparation for a few up-and-coming retirements, we’ve adopted four future moms and one future dad—each carefully selected to carry the genetics, temperament, and traits that our customers love most!


Hero is a stunning F1b Bernedoodle who embodies everything we love about the breed! Hero is energetic, affectionate, and full of personality. As an F1b (Bernedoodle x Poodle), he brings:

More golden-colored puppies, compared to our previous sire, Jackpot
A smaller build, ideal for producing mini puppies in the desired 25-35 lb range

In the future, Hero will replace Jackpot, becoming the primary sire for our smaller females and F1 moms.

Our Adorable New Moms

While Hero is a fantastic addition, the real stars are our new moms! Our Bernedoodle sires all carry the coveted AT/AT, KY/KY tri-color genetics, but it’s the mom’s genetics that determine whether their puppies inherit these gorgeous colors.

Goldendoodles are known for their exceptional temperament, but many lack the premium color genetics. That’s why we’ve carefully searched for Goldendoodle moms who have both the superior temperament and the rare, high-quality color traits our customers desire. And we believe we have found them!

Our upcoming puppy moms bring an amazing variety of potential coat patterns and colors, including merle, parti, phantom,  tuxedo, deep red, and more.

With their outstanding genetics, exceptional temperaments, and superior socialization, our future litters will offer the best of both worlds—stunning colors and the loving, well-adjusted personalities that make Carrier Family Doodles’ puppies so special.

Foxy (F1 Goldendoodle, a hidden Merle!)
Phoenix (F1 Goldendoodle)
Afia (F1 Goldendoodle)
Hazel (F1b Goldendoodle)

Foxy will likely be the largest of the girls (possibly 30+ lbs), so she will be an ideal Mama for those looking for more of a “medium” sized dog, rather than our usual “mini.” Of all our new puppies, Bekah likes her temperament best. She is comparatively calm and also is taking well to training.

Phoenix is a pretty middle-of-the road puppy: neither too excitable nor too laid-back. She is not a super attention-seeker but is very friendly.

Afia (or Afya) is a Swahili word meaning “health.” The actual spelling of the word is “Afya,” but when we lived in Kenya, we often bought a fruit juice that was branded “Afia,” so the proper spelling of Afia’s name is thus far a non-settled debate among family members. Bekah insists it is Afya,  Afya is playful and super cute.

Hazel is a half-sister to our Trixi (same Mama, different Dad). Their Mama is an English cream Goldendoodle and they both have quite a gentle temperament.. Of course, Hazel is “puppy playful” at this point, but it’s interesting to see how many of her characteristics remind us of Trixi!


We can’t wait to see what these up-and-coming pairings produce! Stay tuned for updates as our next generation of Doodles grows and thrives.

Contact us today to learn more about upcoming litters and available puppies. If you sign up for our waitlist now, you ‘ll get a $100 discount when you reserve your future puppy.