A Day in the Life of our Doodles: Cuteness, Family, and Fun
We talk a lot about puppy life here at Carrier Family Doodles, so we thought you might enjoy a peek into a day in the life of our adult Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles, who are beloved pets in our large-family home.
Our routine helps everyone to know what to expect and keeps things running smoothly. Although everyone in the family plays their part, Bekah attends to many of the day-to-day duties involved in dog care.
Our dogs are usually up between 6:30 and 7:00 AM, when Bekah opens up their crates in the dog room. Wait…”dog room?” Yes! Our finished, attached garage (not used as a garage!) is our utility room and also our dedicated dog room. Most of the time, the dogs are in the house (there’s a dog door that easily connects the dog room to our family room, as well as a main door that is often left open). However, when it’s wet or muddy out and we want to have the dogs dry out rather than mess up the furniture, or when we have company who may not want to be accosted by a dozen dogs all wanting to be pet, they have a whole room to themselves. There, they have their individual crates, in case they want to get away for some quiet time, as well as otttomans and elevated dog beds to play or rest on. Not to mention, deer antlers and Benebones aplenty–their favorite chew toys! The dog room has a second dog door exiting to our large, fenced yard.
The day starts with a 30-minute potty break outside, where the dogs stretch their legs after a night in their crates and soak in the fresh morning air. Usually all the dogs play together, but if one of the girls is in heat and our two Bernedoodle boys, Jackpot and Ranger, are not getting along, Jackpot may go into his own fenced area for a while so everything remains peaceful.
First item on the agenda is, of course, breakfast! The food and water bowls are filled, and the dogs can graze and drink throughout the day as they please. They have outside time or play in the dog room until after the family finishes breakfast and has family devotions (typically around 8 AM). Then, the dog door opens up, and they have the run of the house.
At first the dogs are all excited and will play for a while, but eventually they get tired out and the dogs find their favorite napping spots. Some curl up on the couches, while others squeeze themselves under the table or chew on their beloved Benebones. The dogs always have plenty of attention, never missing a chance to greet anyone coming downstairs or entering through the front door. They aren’t allowed upstairs—that’s the domain of the cats—but downstairs they have free reign.
Given their freedom and preference, the younger dogs often leave the house to play outside in their large, fenced yard, which they always have access to through the dog door. The older dogs tend to congregate in the living room and get their fill of pets, belly and ear rubs, scratches, and cuddles as people go in and out and about their business.
On Tuesday and Saturday mornings they’ll stay in the dog room to get brushed, with haircuts and nails clipped as needed. They all like this, jumping up onto the grooming table if they can. Of course, the knowledge that they get a treat when it’s all over is great incentive.
Lunchtime might mean a bit of quiet time in the dog room for some of the dogs, but that depends on what the humans are eating and how much risk there is to lose any of it to our counter-surfers (there are only a couple, who shall remain nameless). After lunch, the dogs all look forward to leftovers (if there are any). Yes, our dogs eat people food! And, surprisingly, no matter now much or how little leftovers there are, there is rarely a cross sound heard amongst the dogs as they all dive in for it.
After the noon meal, normal play or relaxation resumes. If weather permits, Bekah or Enoch may take a few of them on a walk, exploring the beautiful trails that wind through our property or splashing in the backyard stream. Our Bernedoodles are especially fond of these walks, happily trotting along as they explore their surroundings. Our wide-open fields are perfect for “zoomies!”
For the younger dogs or puppies, there’s always some training sprinkled in throughout the day. Whether it’s learning new commands or just getting some valuable one-on-one time, they’re part of the family’s daily routine, too.

As the day draws to a close, the dogs might be put back into their room around suppertime. However, they’re often included in family devotions, where many of them snuggle onto laps and settle in for a bit of love and quiet time. By 8:00 or 8:30 PM, it’s time for bed. Bekah leads them outside for one last potty break, then they willingly go into their crates for a restful night’s sleep.