Familiarize yourself with our policies if you are interested in one of our Golden Mountain Doodles or Aussie Mountain Doodles
Scroll through our policies or jump to a topic of interest from the list below.
Pricing for our Golden Mountain Doodles
One of the first things people ask when they look at our puppies is, “What is the cost of a Carrier Family Doodles puppy?” While we understand the desire to economize, it’s also important to have confidence in the genetic health of the parents, early socialization (which is formative to puppy development), and other “value-adds” offered by the breeder.
Learn more about what makes Carrier Family Doodles’ puppies so special. Our goal is to make our puppies accessible to more families, so we’re not priced as high as some other breeders. By the same token, we simply can’t compete with the cheap “puppy mill” prices, either.
We strive to offer healthy, happy, home-raised puppies with value-adds like ENS and early socialization, early potty training, ICA registration, a complete puppy gift bag, and a 2-year genetic health guarantee, all at competitive and affordable prices. Our current prices are as follows:

Our puppies are all typically reserved/sold by 8-10 weeks of age. However, if we have multiple litters available, we sometimes have 1-2 remaining past 10 weeks. At this point, we offer an additional (approx.) 15% price discount (for example, a $1400 puppy will be reduced to $1200). Of course, you will have little choice of size, color, temperament, or gender. But we understand that many are concerned more about price than some of the other variables, and so we like to let you know that this option is occasionally available. If any puppies remain at 12 weeks, we discount by an additional 10%. (This is rare.)
Our Reservation Process
We can’t reserve a puppy until a deposit is paid. Please read through all the information here to be sure you understand how the process works.
If you feel that a Golden Mountain Doodle puppy (or Aussie Mountain Doodle puppy) would be a good fit for you but we don’t have any currently available, contact us or get on our notifications list to receive email updates when future litters will be available.
If you are interested in a currently available puppy or a particular puppy that may be in a future litter, you may want to get on our wait list. We open each litter with selection days for members of our Wait List, and then make publicly available any remaining puppies. Public reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.
When new puppies are born, we post preliminary information and a litter photo on our Web site. When the puppies are 4-5 weeks of age, we will have a Selection Day for members of our wait list. Then, we typically send out a newsletter to the people who have signed up to receive such notifications and notify them of availability. We may also post to our Facebook page.
If we are sure that all the puppies in a litter will be furnished, we typically open a litter for reservation at 4 weeks of age. If there are expected to be 1-2 “unfurnished” puppies, we typically wait until 5 weeks.
You may place a deposit on a puppy at any time after the litter is posted as publicly available, but if you are concerned about furnishings we recommend waiting until 5 weeks. (The 5-week mark is also when we begin to see puppy personalities emerging.)
We always recommend that you visit us to select a puppy if possible. We also typically send out puppy videos or schedule a video call if you are not able to visit in person to pick your puppy. Get in touch to do any of the above. Contact us by email, phone, or video call to answer any questions you may have before reserving a puppy.
Whether you are on the wait list or are reserving a publicly available puppy, a deposit is required to reserve the puppy of your preference (i.e., a “named” puppy) from a current litter. Therefore, the $500 is NON-REFUNDABLE. The $500 deposit is also required if you are on the wait list; both the $100 wait list fee and the $500 deposit will be deducted from your final balance due amount upon pick up or delivery of your puppy. Before you place your deposit, be sure you have done your research, considered all the important elements of decision-making, and done all that is necessary to give you a level of comfort about the puppy you are choosing (looks, temperament, health, etc.).
If we have any puppies that are not reserved before 8 weeks of age, we do occasionally sell puppies without taking our usual online deposit. Because we advertise our puppies across various online forums and there are “puppy scammers” out there, we understand that some are hesitant to place a deposit online. However, at 8 weeks of age you will likely have little choice of color, size, gender, or particular temperament in any remaining puppies.
If you would like to pick up (or have us deliver) a puppy without first reserving, please be aware that we do not “hold” a puppy without a deposit. You will be expected to bring the full price for the puppy (via cash, Venmo, or Zelle) when you pickup (or we deliver) the puppy.
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Standard Pickup and Delivery Options
Every puppy has an 8-week “adoption day” specified on our Web site at the time of listing. We ask that puppies be picked up on their adoption day or within 7 days, except where we have mutually agreed upon other arrangements in advance. We do offer extended boarding at the rate of $50/week if you cannot pick up within this 7-day grace period.
Payments for balance due can be made via cash, Zelle, or Venmo upon pickup/delivery, OR by credit card or Pay Pal, subject to an additional 3% transaction charge.
Local pickup is preferred at our location in New Concord, KY; however, that is not always practical. If you can’t pick up locally, we have delivery options available. We can (in most situations) deliver directly to your home, or to an agreed-upon midway or meet-up location, for a “flat rate” delivery of $100 to locations within 4 hours of us.
We do often advertise outside of our 4-hour delivery window. Delivery or meet-ups to locations farther than 4 hours away are typically at a rate of $200-$300. If multiple people in the same area reserve puppies and we can coordinate a common meet-up, we will share the delivery charge among all participants. (Often we can do a meet-up within 6 or even 8 hours of our location for as low as $100.)
Airport Pick up and Flying Puppies
If you live more than If 6-8 hours from our location or if you can take advantage of airline miles or low ticket prices, flying in to pick up your puppy can sometimes be more cost-effective than ground pick up or delivery.
People who choose this option typically fly in to our local Nashville, TN airport. We charge a $100 airport delivery fee to meet you at the Arrival or Departure gate of your choice. We do a meet-and-greet, sign paperwork, and you can be back on the plane with your puppy in 15-20 minutes!
You are responsible for purchasing your own airline tickets and purchasing an appropriate flight-approved carrier to make the trip. Please be sure your airline does not have any restrictions regarding puppy age (one airline we have dealt with would not fly puppies under 10 weeks of age). Also check weight limits for in-cabin flights (although all of our puppies have been well under the limits thus far).
We also offer the option for our puppy courier to personally fly your puppy from the Nashville, TN airport to the closest major airport near you. The price is $350 plus the price of the airline ticket. The puppy care courier delivers the puppy in a breathable, soft travel carrier that remains in-cabin the whole trip. The puppy is comfortable and receives the best possible care during the journey. You will need to meet our puppy courier at a designated airport Arrival or Departure gate to complete paperwork and go home with your puppy.
Sales Tax and Processing Fees
We are required to charge 6% sales tax on all puppies sold to in-state (KY) customers. Puppies that are flown or are picked up/delivered outside of Kentucky are not taxed.
After you have paid your initial deposit via our Web site, balance payments for the puppy and any travel arrangements, boarding fees, or processing fees can be made with cash, Zelle, or Venmo upon pick up or delivery.
Balance payments that are paid with PayPal or Credit Card are subject to a 3% processing fee. We will confirm your payment option prior to final invoicing so that necessary taxes and fees will be included in your final payment amount.
We typically send out a balance-due invoice for your records approximately one week before pickup/delivery.
As specified above, a deposit for a “named” puppy is non-refundable. However, we understand that there are circumstances outside of your control; we would be happy to communicate and come to agreeable terms should you be unable to complete your puppy purchase. If you request a refund of a deposit, it is at our discretion.
We offer a 60-day warranty and a 2-year genetic health guarantee for our puppies (terms described below). The health guarantee permits reimbursement for veterinary expenses, NOT a refund. Once a puppy transaction is completed and the puppy leaves our home, we do not offer refunds for any reason.
If perchance something should happen to your puppy while you have a deposit on it, we would let you pick another puppy if one is available, apply the deposit to another puppy from a future litter, or simply refund the deposit.
Our 60-day Health Warranty and 2-year Genetic Health Guarantee
We work hard to make sure that every puppy goes home happy and healthy. Puppy parents are health tested and puppies are vaxxed and vet-checked before leaving our care. But as it is with us humans, things can go wrong in the puppy world. To ensure that your puppy thrives in its new environment, we ask that you get your puppy re-checked by your local vet within 72 hours of going home. This will activate our 60-day warranty and our 2-year genetic health guarantee.
Any normal costs incurred at the initial vet visit are the responsibility of the buyer (i.e., office visit, standard medications). If there should be any unexpected problems outside of the range of normal within your puppy’s first 60 days at home, we will reimburse you for the cost of treatment (that amount not to exceed the cost of the dog). This would exclude any conditions which, upon veterinary assessment, are the result of improper care, mishandling, or accident after the puppy has left our care.
This 60-day warranty is invalidated if the vet check (by a licensed DVM, with appropriate documentation) has not been performed within 72 hours of the puppy arriving at his/her new home.
Should there be any significant genetic or health issue immediately determined by your vet, our warranty would allow you to exchange for a new puppy (if one is available), get on a wait list for a puppy from a future litter, or receive a full refund. (This has never happened, and we don’t expect that it will, but our warranty does allow for such an event.)
Carrier Family Doodles makes NO WARRANTY regarding a dog’s personality, coat color or markings, hypoallergenicity, shedding, size, weight, or coat type. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ask questions, visit the puppies, or seek photos/videos that will make for a mutually satisfactory puppy placement.
Please note that a dog is just like a person: they change a bit as they age (sometimes regarding fur color or particular markings) but it really doesn’t detract from the general good looks and wonderful personality of the Golden Mountain Doodle or Aussie Mountain Doodle. We can’t help but fall in love with each and every one of our puppies; some are just adorable in looks and others are known for their personality.
We will work with you to make sure we select the best possible puppy that we can for you. We always recommend a personal visit to our home so that you can interact with the puppies, if you are local to our Kentucky location. If you are concerned about any slight changes in appearance over time (such as in the photo below), we encourage you not to put a non-refundable deposit on a puppy before 5 or 6 weeks.
Both Golden Mountain Doodles and Aussie Mountain Doodles are mixed breeds, which can reduce the risk of many of the abnormalities and health issues found in the parent breeds. As well, all of our dogs are health-tested. Most are 100% clear of any genetic issues; a couple do carry recessive traits, which don’t affect the parents and will not affect the puppies because the parents are not being bred with same-breed, carrier mates. Our sire, Jackpot, has been OFA certified for hips, elbows, and heart.
All that to say, we have done our due diligence to make sure we produce the healthiest puppies with the least amount of risk for any health issues. However, should your puppy be diagnosed with any genetic conditions within the first years of life, we do offer a two-year genetic guarantee. We will either replace the puppy with a comparable puppy OR reimburse related vet bills for treatment of genetic conditions, up to the original amount that was paid for your puppy. We do not warranty for any expenses beyond the amount of the original purchase price.
Only directly related vet bills will be reimbursed. Examples of a genetic disorder include anything that is tested for on our puppy parents’ genetic panel through Paw Print genetics. It does not include hip or elbow dysplasia, since genetically-related dysplasia issues should be apparent upon initial veterinary inspections and other instances of dysplasia can be caused, or exacerbated by, a variety of environmental factors including diet, environment, exercise, growth rate, muscle mass, and hormones. We do not warranty for any genetic issues that are not tested on the standard panel.
ICA Registration
All of our puppies are ICA registered. The ICA registry is a national database that can help reunite dog and owner if a dog is lost or stolen and its microchip is scanned at a shelter, vet, or similar facility.
Your puppy’s ICA registration will be transferred to you after purchase, usually within 2-10 days (depending on our availability and schedule). We will let you know by email when we have completed the process and you will receive a welcome email directly from ICA.
Carrier Family Doodles' Puppy Giveaway
Carrier Family Doodles gives away one out of 10 puppies to a qualified recipient. Details and an application can be found here. However, please only apply if you can accommodate local pickup of a puppy. We are willing to deliver, but delivery charges are the responsibility of the recipient, and it is likely that one applying for a giveaway puppy may not be in a position to take on delivery fees.
We offer guidelines for who may be selected to win a free puppy, but selection of a recipient is solely at the discretion of the Carrier family. They retain no liability toward those who apply but are not selected. In most cases, we truly wish that everyone who applied could receive a free puppy! Winners will be notified via email. We do try to notify all who applied, even if they have not been selected, but please be aware that we often receive a high volume of requests and a personal response is not always practical, depending on our time constraints.
A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal…
Proverbs 12:10