Carrier Family Doodles’ Updated Price list for 2025


Carrier Family Doodles 2025 Price list, and what it means for you

At Carrier Family Doodles, we have always tried to hit the perfect “price point”–one that acknowledges the level of investment and effort we put into our puppies,  while still ensuring that they remain accessible to the families who are looking for a healthy, happy, and well-socialized Golden Mountain Doodle or Aussie Mountain Doodle.

As you can see with our 2025 price list update (the first change in years!), the time has finally come to acknowledge the need for an unfortunate increase.

Our recent 2024 tax filing was a very stark reminder that our expenses in the last year have increased dramatically, while our pricing has not. In order to continue doing what we are doing, we are implementing an across-the-board increase of $300 in puppy pricing. 

We love what we do, and we believe in our business model (home-raised puppies and “puppy parents” as beloved pets in our home), but we are a business as well. This is our family’s full-time means of income generation so that we can also have a certain amount of flexibility to serve the Lord and participate in ministry. This price update is a dreaded, but necessary, step for Carrier Family Doodles.

Note: If you are currently on our wait list, we will honor previous prices until year-end of 2025. We will likewise honor 2024 pricing if you join our wait list by February 28, 2025.

While this is a personal decision for us, we are staying well in line with anticipated trends in Doodle pricing for 2025.  As it has been since the beginning of Carrier Family Doodles, we continue to freely give away every 10th puppy to a qualifying applicant that is chosen by our family. This will not change, and we encourage you to apply if you qualify and our current pricing is out of your financial reach.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We thank all of you who have been so supportive of us and continually kept in touch, referred us, and spoken highly of our work and our puppies. We are blessed, and we hope to continue to be a blessing.


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