Troublesome and Totally Loved: Timothy’s Story

Just a little troublesome...and totally irresistible!

“I think he might be just a little troublesome. Do you think I should tell her?” Years later, I still remember the hushed whisper of my 18-year-old daughter during a puppy visit. They had fallen in love with Timothy; how could they not? He seemed a perfect fit for their family, being a friendly, extroverted puppy in an environment where he’d get lots of love and attention. But she didn’t want them to be unaware of his potential to get into trouble (although I’m not totally sure what led her to that conclusion). I told her, of course she should say something, and she did. Maybe they didn’t take her seriously. Or they could have thought it was normal puppy behavior that he would outgrow. Perhaps they were just already in love with him? He was pretty irresistible, after all. Whatever the case, they went home with Timothy.

I almost held my breath the first time I messaged her for an update. But she kept sending me “boy and his dog” photos that melted my heart. I thought, this is why we do what we do! And I let out a little sigh of relief that he was so perfect for them, so loved.

Boy and his dog
"A boy and His Dog"

After a long while, I mustered up the courage to ask if he wasn’t at all troublesome? Because I trust Bekah’s judgment with puppies; she knows them so well and always has insights into temperament and personality that are indispensible to the matching process. What if she was wrong about Timothy? I had to know!

I got a nearly immediate response to my message, with lots of laughing emojis. OF COURSE! He’d dug in her garden, gotten a hold of a soda can out of the garbage and chewed it up. But the conclusion of the matter? He was absolutely perfect for their family, full of love, amd exactly what they needed. Which is what we hope for, every time, at Carrier Family Doodles. (even if an occasional puppy is “just a little troublesome!”)


Side-eye dog
Just a little attitude...

Look at this side-eye attitude! I’ve even gotten video of him “huffing” when things didn’t go his way.  (I really didn’t believe it when she told me! But video doesn’t lie.)

I guess if nothing else, what I learned is that Bekah really is as amazing with the puppies as I thought, and really does know them well. Family after family attests to it.  Transparency about each puppy’s personality and temperament means that there are fewer surprises on go-home day. Most of all, even if a puppy is a little troublesome, he could be perfect, and just what you didn’t know you needed.

Carrier Family Doodles specializes in the Golden Mountain Doodle. It may just be the best cross-breed you never heard of! To learn more about the GMD, visit